If you haven't been to Artfire recently, you may not recognize what you see. The new shops are all up with a new clean and personal look. There is a new cart that makes shopping easier in that payment is all one step, items aren't marked sold until they are paid for.
No matter how you feel about the new shops (artfire is tending toward shop now to allow for more varied sellers), you can't help but admit they have a clean feel and really brand your shop. Artfire has made extra changes as they listened to sellers thoughts about the new shops. One big change is you can toggle your banner to have it viewable or not on item pages.
With the end of free shops, many artist have questioned about the possibility of allowinga small section of detash to sold in a shop that has a Certified Handmade Artisan artifact in their shop. Rather than just making a decision, Tony has an open thread requesting opinions and votes about this option. CHA studios will be given extra weight in this decision making.
What I am seeing is a site that is making changes and growing but is still keeping their biggest customers in mind - the sellers. They have extra tools such as sales tax, vintage properties and soon drop menus in order to stay competitive in respect to Google's latest specifications as well.
No matter what, Artfire continues to improve and grow as the market and the tools changes.
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